米国 TRANSWORLD SNOWBOARDING RIDER’S POLLのStandout performance of the year (2016年特別賞みたいなもん?)をとったEternal Beauty of Snowboarding. フィルター無しでスノーボードカルチャーを見せてくれて、かなり海外では話題になっている(YT47万回見られていてコメントがすごい)。 -日本語字幕翻訳者 山村竜太
Diggin’ Magazineより:
No doubt you loved the hilarious award-winning documentary movie, The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding, and read our interview with its maverick creator Jerome Tanon here.
So what are we posting this again for? No, this isn’t social media repetition marketing. Jerome and his crew had a blast in Japan, and to make sure that the Japanese scene didn’t miss out on the genius of this movie, we are proud to present, in collaboration with Diggin’ Magazine and translator Ryuta Yamamura, the Japanese subtitle version: スノーボードーの永遠の美しさ (The Eternal Beauty of Snowboarding). If you have any Japanese snowboard friends, here’s your chance to impress them by introducing them to this gem of a film.
** If the subs don’t come up automatically, hit ‘CC’ to toggle them on.